In the annals of superhero-dom, one of the most beloved and theatrically successful is batman. Born in the late 1930's, this iconic figure has survived many a war, the advent of television, VHS and DVD and even Joel Schumacher. Whether your allegiances lie with Adam West, Michael Keaton or Christian Bale, you have to admit the caped crusader has done incredibly well for himself. S o ask yourself: where would the dark knight be without his car? Unlike Superman (who can fly) or Spiderman (who can shoot webs from his wrists), Batman relies on a good ol' fashioned automobile to get him from A to B. From the Barris-ified Ford Futura of the '60s (read about our drive here) to the nigh-indestructible Tumbler of the Chris Nolan Batman films, the Batmobile is as much a part of the series as the hood and the cape. Now the good boys and girls at Car Design Fetish have announced the U.S. and International winner of their...wait for it...Batmobile Design Competition. Amerikaneren Paul Denton brings us a menacing two-door coupe that looks to me like the end result of a fight between the Tumbler, a 1971 Dodge Challenger and a steam roller. From across the pond comes Matt Gould's (opening photo) strangely effective mix of the Adam West Batmobile, Donald Campbell's Bluebird and a bobsled. My personal favourites are Easterson Solomon's Dredger and Yan Gostev's Reactor. You can check out some of the entrants below and leave your piece in the comments section.
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